Gardener’s Rewards Program

Free membership has rewards!

Present your Gardener’s Rewards card each time you visit Sloat Garden Center and you’ll enjoy:

New Quick Rewards

Receive valuable member benefits like points toward “dollars off” coupons (including an automatic sign-up bonus of 200 Gardener’s Rewards points)


Receive advance special invitations to gardening events and sales by postal mail or email.


Free admission to our popular webinars taught by gardening experts.

Gardener’s Notebook

FREE subscription to our Gardener’s Notebook newsletter filled with the best local seasonal gardening advice (active Gardener’s Rewards members will receive it by mail). Check out past issues here.


* Visit any Sloat Garden Center location to sign up
for our Gardener’s Rewards Program *

Curious if we have your favorite plant or product in stock? Call one of our locations directly, and we'll be happy to check.